Our Team

Terrell Peters

Campaign and Advocacy Fellow

Terrell Peters is a dedicated Campaign and Advocacy Fellow working at DC Justice Lab. He advocates for record sealing and reforms in supervised release and probation. He also plans to work on Halfway house issues for justice-impacted individuals here in DC. Terrell pursued education relentlessly, participating in the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program through West Virginia University, where he studied sociology.

Terrell was a member of the United Circle for Hope, a think tank that fostered transformative change in the prison culture. He played a pivotal role in creating reentry centers in his unit and co-led a facilitator training class.

His passion for education and mentoring was evident in the GED and ACE classes he taught to other incarcerated individuals. He wrote the curriculum for “Pulling In the Youth (PITY),” a mentoring program designed to equip incarcerated community members with the tools to guide at-risk youth, emphasizing the importance of showing compassion for their struggles.

Terrell also developed the Action Impact class, teaching the principle that “every action has a reaction.” This principle highlights the far-reaching consequences of one’s actions and the power of being in control of one’s thoughts.

Terrell also immersed himself in paralegal studies, earning  Advanced Paralegal Certification and continuously seeking knowledge in the law field to help others find solutions to their legal challenges.

Terrell is committed to using his fellowship to impact criminal justice policy by advocating for record sealing and reforming supervised release and probation. His unwavering dedication to justice is fueled by his personal experiences, ensuring that others are better equipped to endure the same challenges he did.